D.A.R.E. 5K

Lima, OH

The Allen County Sheriff's Office and Anytime Fitness D.A.R.E. 5k Walk & Run

The D.A.R.E. 5K Walk & Run will be at the Allen County Fairgrounds and will begin and end close to Roschman Park as part of our 4th annual National Night Out. The race is tentatively scheduled for a 7:00 PM start time.

This year our theme is SUPER HEROES! If you'd like to (it's not a requirement), come decked out as your favorite hero! 

Registration is $25 for participants 18 and older, and $15 for anyone 17 years of age and younger.

Prizes for overall first-, second-, and third-place winners in divisions:

Men: 17 and younger, 18-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50+
Women: 17 and younger, 18-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50+ 
All participants ages 12 and younger who complete the race will receive a prize.

To guarantee you receive a t-shirt please register by July 19, 2022. 

When & Where

Aug 2, 2022


6:00 PM

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Lima, OH

Allen County Farigrounds

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